Posted on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Newborn Studio {Open!} 5.24.12

Now Open

"The Newborn Studio"

Located in Oswego, IL

 E-mail or call now to book your newborn sessions today!  


Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Host Your Own Mini Session - Kids!!

Posted on Friday, May 18, 2012

Rylie {Evening fun...cont'd!} 5.14.12

Okay, so I finally got my computer back for a minute (the hubby took a break to eat...haha!).  Here are the rest of the photos from the other night's, spur-of-the-moment session.... I was experimenting with different lighting angles... love these :-)

Posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rylie {Evening fun!} 5.15.12

Last night, I broke all the rules! I fed the baby chicken nuggets and kept her up past her bedtime, the house was not cleaned, the bills were not paid, the dinner was not made...but you know what?!  I had a BLAST breaking all the rules!!  And I'd do it all over again to get images like this...

I have wanted to take pictures during the afternoon/evening for a long time...and I have also wanted to check out an awesome location... so tonight, I did just that!  I rushed home from work, picked up the baby from Daycare, fed her a quick dinner of chicken nuggets (bad mommy!), packed up a few things, and off we went!

There's still more to post...but the hubby kicked me off the computer last night to play some "awesome game!"...I'll try to get the rest up tonight.

Posted on Monday, May 14, 2012

A turns ONE {Birthday girl!} 5.12.12

I met *A* when she was about 15 weeks old...and just last week, this sweet heart celebrated her first birthday!  It has been such a pleasure to watch her grow and change and develop an amazing personality. Despite developing an ear infection on the day of our photo session (she woke from a nap after the session with a 103 fever!), she put on a happy face - except when standing in the grass - and flashed her infectious smile all over the place!



Posted on Saturday, May 12, 2012

J + A {sisters!} 5.5.12

These adorable sisters were my guinea pigs in my new "studio"!  I couldn't have had cuter models if I tried :-)  Although Big Sister was not a huge fan of the lights and the thought of sitting still, for that matter, I was able to capture a few fleeting "sisterly love" kind of photos.  Adele, on the other hand, was a very good sport while I tried out several new props and photo ideas.  Thanks so much to this wonderful family for agreeing to be my guinea pigs!

Posted on Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rylie {the Birthday girl!} 5.7.12

Well...she isn't quite the birthday girl just yet.  We just took her pictures that will accompany her birthday invitations!  Her actual birthday isn't until June 8th.  She didn't seem to mind celebrating a little early, though!  I baked cake for her (FULL "baby-safe" cakes here, ha!) and set up all the props on Sunday night so that I would be all prepared to snap her photos on Monday night after work/daycare.  I must admit, I was a little nervous at the thought of attempting the "smash cake" pictures all by my self (hubby worked late, so I was on baby wrangling duty alone!), but I am happy to report that the mess was contained!  I was able to capture some awesome moments and then send her straight to the tub...

I've had so much fun with my photography lately...I've really been able to explore who I really am as a photographer and learn more technical things about my camera, editing software, and just about what it means to be a good great photographer!  I can't wait to see what the future holds for me!